tHE mOMeNt thAt I mEt yoU...

The moment that I met you my life became extraordinary. 
You taught me to be my best self. 
To look forward to tomorrow's adventures. 
And when I was vulnerable you were strong. 

I love you Richard Castle and I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. 
I promise you I will love you. I will be your friend and your partner in crime and in life. 


The moment we met my life became extraordinary. 
You taught me more about myself than I knew there was to learn. 
You are the joy in my heart. 
You are the last person I want to see every night before I close my eyes. 

I love you Katherine Beckett and the mystery of you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life exploring. 
I promise to love you, to be your friend and your partner in crime and life till death do us part and for
the time of our lives.

R.C. Etiquetas:


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